Monday, November 30, 2020

Controversial Corona Advisor to Trump Files Resignation

Advisor Scott Atlas' contract would soon expire anyway. He used the resignation speech to defend himself against criticism.

The controversial corona advisor to incumbent US President Donald Trump, radiologist Scott Atlas, has submitted his resignation. In a letter to Trump that Atlas posted on Twitter, he wrote, I've worked hard and focused on one thing - saving lives and helping Americans get through this pandemic.

The radiologist had worked for the US government since August. According to consistent media reports, his contract would have expired after 130 days this week anyway. He now uses his declaration of resignation to defend himself against criticism. He always relied on the latest scientific findings and did so without any political consideration or influence.

Differences with Fuci

Atlas has spoken out against strict containment measures and questions the usefulness of masks. In particular, he drew criticism from another member of the Corona working group in the White House: the prominent immunologist Anthony Fuci has publicly disagreed with Atlas' points of view.

In mid-November, after the tightening of corona requirements in states like Michigan, Atlas wrote on Twitter: It only ends when people get up. The tweet was also explosive because just a few weeks earlier a group of suspects had been arrested who, according to investigators, wanted to kidnap and possibly kill Michigan's governor Gretchen Whiter because of previous corona measures. Atlas later wrote that he did not want to incite violence.

In his declaration of resignation, the radiologist wrote that he wished the new team only the best - and apparently meant that of President-elect Joe Biden. Trump still does not recognize his election victory. Biden has made fighting the pandemic a priority. His inauguration is scheduled for January 20th.

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