Monday, November 30, 2020

Controversial Corona Advisor to Trump Files Resignation

Advisor Scott Atlas' contract would soon expire anyway. He used the resignation speech to defend himself against criticism.

The controversial corona advisor to incumbent US President Donald Trump, radiologist Scott Atlas, has submitted his resignation. In a letter to Trump that Atlas posted on Twitter, he wrote, I've worked hard and focused on one thing - saving lives and helping Americans get through this pandemic.

European Medicines Agency EMA has started second rolling review process of a COVID-19 vaccine candidate for Europe

The Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (CHMP) at the European Medicines Agency (EMA) has started the second rolling review for a vaccine against COVID-19 for Europe. The purpose of the procedure is to accelerate the assessment process with the aim of obtaining COVID-19 vaccine approval by starting the assessment of data packages for the non-clinical and clinical development of a vaccine candidate before all the data required for an application for approval have been collected and submitted. The rolling review process will continue until the data provide sufficient evidence to enable a formal application for approval and a risk-benefit assessment. Despite the acceleration, the requirements for quality, safety and efficacy of the drugs in question remain high. The vaccine is a COVID-19 vaccine candidate from Biotech.

Great Britain wants to approve Biontech's corona vaccine as early as next week

In Great Britain, the corona vaccine from the Mainz Company Biontech and the US group Pfizer will apparently be approved as early as next week.

Then the delivery should begin immediately, reports the British Financial Times. Pfizer and Biontech recently applied for emergency approval for their vaccine in the United States. According to the government, vaccinations will begin there in mid-December. The EU has also negotiated contracts with Biontech and Pfizer as well as the two vaccine manufacturers Moderna and AstraZeneca for hundreds of millions of doses.

Sunday, November 29, 2020

Information on the state of development of COVID-19 vaccines

Biotech and Pfizer announced the first indications of the effectiveness of the COVID-19 vaccine BNT162b2 in a press release on November 9, 2020. They are the result of an initial interim analysis of a large phase 3 clinical trial. An analysis of the data collected by Biotech / Pfizer had not been published in a scientific journal or submitted to the European Medicines Agency at the time of the press release. The press release is encouraging, but an in-depth assessment by independent regulatory authorities is not yet possible.

Saturday, November 28, 2020

Take a Breath, Despite the Mask Requirement

In our hectic times it is usually difficult to take a deep breath in between. For everyone who is currently obliged to cover their face due to Covid-19, this condition is even worse. Therefore, many are looking for a suitable alternative with which they can get a good breath despite the mask requirement and thus supply themselves with sufficient oxygen.

How does the body react to a lack of oxygen?

Breathing is a biological process that ensures our survival. Every adult person breathes in and out around 10,000 to 20,000 times a day. This happens because living things need oxygen to supply the body's cells with energy. Not enough oxygen can lead to the following symptoms in particular:

Medicines against COVID-19: The Different Approaches

One to one and a half years should pass before an approved vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 is obtained. Many hopes are currently directed towards drug therapy

Research is currently in full swing worldwide to find drugs to treat Covid-19 disease. Many drugs are used for this, which are already known from other diseases. As a result, the researchers usually do not have to start from scratch. However, there will probably not be the one drug, since an infection with the new type of corona virus (Sars-CoV-2) can take very different courses (see also phases of a Covid-19 disease). Therefore, when testing new drugs, consideration is also given to the phase in which they could best be used.

Remdesivir: First Drug against Covid-19 Approved In the EU

The drug Remdesivir for the treatment of patients with Covid-19 has also been approved in Europe in certain cases. When it is used, how it works, what side effects are known

Remdesivir - first approved drug against Covid-19

Remdesivir was approved by the European Commission on July 3, 2020 for the treatment of the disease Covid-19 caused by the novel coronavirus (Sars-CoV-2), after the Human Medicines Committee of the EMA (European Medicines Agency) recommended the active ingredient for conditional approval . Remdesivir should be the first drug against COVID-19 to be used in adults and adolescents from 12 years of age under certain conditions.

California vaccinations could start Today

The vaccination campaign in the USA can begin: The first vaccination centers are to receive the corona vaccine from Biontech and Pfizer at t...