Saturday, November 28, 2020

Take a Breath, Despite the Mask Requirement

In our hectic times it is usually difficult to take a deep breath in between. For everyone who is currently obliged to cover their face due to Covid-19, this condition is even worse. Therefore, many are looking for a suitable alternative with which they can get a good breath despite the mask requirement and thus supply themselves with sufficient oxygen.

How does the body react to a lack of oxygen?

Breathing is a biological process that ensures our survival. Every adult person breathes in and out around 10,000 to 20,000 times a day. This happens because living things need oxygen to supply the body's cells with energy. Not enough oxygen can lead to the following symptoms in particular:

·         a headache

·         nausea

·         fatigue

·         dizziness

All those who currently have to wear a so-called mouth-and-nose mask while at work all day can tell a thing or two about it. Of course, the symptoms can also have other causes, such as a vitamin deficiency. But if none of these complaints occur, the suspicion is obvious that the problem is with the mask. Because the mouth guard has the consequence that the air supply is restricted. In addition, exhaling is made more difficult, which normally means that carbon dioxide can leave the body again in the course of the gas exchange.

In the case of previous illnesses such as problems with the lungs, this can lead to serious problems, including hyperacidity of the blood caused by breathing. Fortunately, there is a sensible alternative for those who have problems with the mouth-and-nose mask: spit visors.

What is a spit visor?

A spit visor is a face shield to protect against disease transmission through direct droplet infection. It is equipped with a so-called Face-Protect visor for optimal protection. This is attached to the head with a rubber band and can be individually and flexibly adapted to the respective head size. The spit visor is reusable and can be cleaned after each use with a soft cotton cloth or a cleaning cloth for glasses and a dash of disinfectant.

It is suitable for both men and women to protect their own face and that of the other person against direct droplet infection. With these prerequisites, it can be used safely in various industries such as gastronomy or in the food trade.

While glasses wearers with a mouth-and-nose mask have a hard time because the glasses tarnish while wearing the mask, the spit visor is also ideally suited for this target group. The glasses can simply continue to be worn under the visor and there is no risk of the glasses tarnishing.

What does a spit visor cost?

The visors are already very cheap. The starting price for simple models is around five to six euros including shipping costs. Interesting special models, such as visors with an integrated cap, are available for around 15 to 20 euros. The highlight: In this case, the visor is mounted on the cap. Creative entrepreneurs can also add their company logo to the caps.

What are the advantages of a spit visor over a mouth-and-nose mask?

Spit visors have many advantages over mouth-and-nose masks:

The biggest advantage is definitely the unrestricted oxygen supply. In contrast to the mouth and nose mask, there are no side effects such as headaches and fatigue.

In addition, the spit visor can be used multiple times. As a rule, their purchase price is quite low, making them cheaper than masks, which can only be used for a short time so that they offer sufficient protection.

Communication with other people is much easier because the mouth is not covered and so the person you are talking to can not only hear, but also see what is being said.

Conclusion: Breathe deeply again with spit sights

If you are not yet sure whether the spit visor is more suitable for your purposes than a mask, you should give it a try. After all, the purchase costs are very low and, if successful, pay off very quickly. Once you've tried the alternative, you will most likely not want to go back to the mask.


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